Jordan Family

My Photo
Location: Colorado, United States

Terry and I met in November of 2000. We were married November of 2001. We had Ty November of 2002 and Alex in May of 2004. How is that for moving fast?!?! The boys are the love of our lives along with family and friends but ultimately God! We love God and are striving to please Him. We are actively involved in our church here in town--Life Church of Fort Collins. We love it. Come visit sometime!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thanksgiving is really over???

I had to post this picture of my cousin Heidi...just to make her blush! We had a wonderful meal at her house on Friday. She and my Aunt Lois made sooooo much awesome food. It was great. Then we were able to play games and just laugh. Good times! Love ya Heidi....

Christmas decorations already?

Yes, I know, Thanksgiving is barely over, but we couldn't wait to put up our decorations! So, after breakfast, we put on the Christmas music and put up our Christmas tree. The boys started out helping but ended up playing with the tinsil for the most part. They did enjoy putting on a couple of ornaments at the end though! So I guess we will say Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving

What a wonderful day for giving thanks. We have so much to be thankful for. Our day started off with the boys sleeping in a bit and letting mommy and daddy get a little more sleep--we are thankful! Then we got ready and headed up to grandma and grandpa's house for a wonderful meal and a great time of playing--again we are thankful. The boys had four-wheeler rides with grandpa and daddy and then we went to Watson Lake. The boys had so much fun throwing rocks in the river and finding treasures. Ty even found a dollar--he calls it his cash--he was thankful! We enjoyed time with our family. The boys were worn out and fell asleep on the way home. In the evening, we enjoyed some time with our friends Matt, Amber and Jaeden Smith. We had a long but fun day.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Happy Birthday Party

Today was Ty's birthday party. We had some friends from church, family, and neighbors join us to celebrate. Ty loved the cake the best---with sprinkles of course. We had fun playing together and just enjoyed talking with family and friends. Ty got a lot of neat presents that he has played with all night! He loved them. He is really into swords and guns lately so we had a Pirates of the Carribean party. What a fun day!

Our four year old!!!

My baby is four years old...I can't believe it. Time goes so fast. It seems like yesterday when I was struggling with a baby who didn't want to sleep and spit up all the time. Today I struggle with making sure my baby doesn't mangle his brother with a sword! =) Anyway, Ty turned 4 on the 17th this week. As soon as he woke up, he got a map that showed him where his presents were hidden and he had to find them. He had a great time on his "present hunt" and eventually found them all. Alex kept saying that this was "our" birthday. He thought he was turning three this week. Thankfully, grandma and grandpa got him some presents too. We spent the day at the mall. Ty wanted to see the Christmas decorations and enjoyed the big Christmas tree in our mall that has two trains around it. We had a great day. Happy Birthday my Ty! We love you...

Monday, November 13, 2006

Just some fun pictures

After church yesterday, I was looking at the boys and thought they looked so handsome in their church clothes. So we decided to take a few pictures. They look so much alike that they get mistaken for twins almost daily. It doesn't help when I dress them alike! =) But I can't help it. They loved making silly faces for the camera as well.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Phoenix Trip

We arrived home safely yesterday around lunch time. The boys did fairly well on the drive. Ty got a little carsick but other than that it was a good trip. We were able to stay with my cousin Shelley and her family. She has a little 4 year old boy named Reagan. Ty had a blast playing with him. We were able to spend a lot of time with family...some that we hadn't seen in years. The funeral went well and was a great celebration of my grandma's life. One thing that I never realized was what a adventure seeker she was. She would try anything. Maybe that is where I get it??? She also had a great loud laugh....again that must be where I get it! =) Anyway, the pictures are from the funeral as well as some other things we did this week. Thank you all for your prayers.

Tribute to Grandma Lu

Here is a tribute to my wonderful Grandma Lu. We had a joyous time at her homegoing celebration. We are so happy that she is in Heaven now and feeling no pain and enjoying those who have gone before her. These are some of my favorite pictures!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Prayer Request

Just a note to ask everyone for prayer this weekend. We are all going to be driving to Arizona for my grandmother's funeral. She passed away this past Thursday morning but had a wonderful life. She was 93 years old and lived a very godly life. She told me all the time that she prayed for all her children and grandchildren whenever she could. She was a great prayer warrior. She will be greatly missed but is in a much better place being taken care of by the Great Physician. I love her so much and she made such a wonderful impact on my life. Thank you Grandma!!!!

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