Jordan Family

My Photo
Location: Colorado, United States

Terry and I met in November of 2000. We were married November of 2001. We had Ty November of 2002 and Alex in May of 2004. How is that for moving fast?!?! The boys are the love of our lives along with family and friends but ultimately God! We love God and are striving to please Him. We are actively involved in our church here in town--Life Church of Fort Collins. We love it. Come visit sometime!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Ty's first day of school

Ty started school this week and has already learned a lot! He is really enjoying Mrs. Corwine (his teacher) and has had a good report every day. Today he is actually home sick... :( But here are some pictures of his first day!

Monday, August 20, 2007

More mountain pictures

Picnic at the Poudre River

After church yesterday we headed up to the mountains for a picnic. It was a beautiful day and the boys enjoyed the Poudre river. They threw rocks in the river, pretended to fish with sticks, climbed all over the rocks, and posed for pictures for mommy! =) Sometimes they really don't like to sit for pictures but this time, Ty kept finding neat places to take pictures. He would say, "Would this make a good picture mom?" It was too fun. Terry's mom and dad went with us and we all had a great time---eating, talking, and watching the boys! God sure has made a beautiful world for us to enjoy!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Day at the Zoo

Yesterday, Terry was off work and we decided to take a trip to the zoo. This is only the second time the boys have been there so they were excited. We had so much fun looking at all the neat animals that God made for us to enjoy. The highlights for us were the polar bears, the apes, monkeys, and the red panda. Ty had a hard time believing that these were real animals. He even asked me at one point "who was in there?"...meaning who was in those costumes of these animals. He thought they were fake. It was a great family day for us. About half way home, both boys were passed out in the back seat. It was a long but fun day.

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