Jordan Family

My Photo
Location: Colorado, United States

Terry and I met in November of 2000. We were married November of 2001. We had Ty November of 2002 and Alex in May of 2004. How is that for moving fast?!?! The boys are the love of our lives along with family and friends but ultimately God! We love God and are striving to please Him. We are actively involved in our church here in town--Life Church of Fort Collins. We love it. Come visit sometime!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Getting ready for Vacation

Alex in the pool...
Alex too tired to even get clothes on after his bath...poor kid.
The boys by the new playset!
Playing with Jack in the sand.

Ty in the pool trying to squirt us all.
Alex swinging

Hello everyone, it is that time---vacation time! We are headed tomorrow to Virginia to spend a couple days with Karl and Ginny's family and then to North Carolina to spend the week with the whole family. So we will be taking lots of pictures and I will post them when we return. I will post a couple of cute pics of the boys from the past couple of weeks before I close this post. I did want to share one cute story...Yesterday I went out with some friends for dinner and while I was gone, Terry had called to settle an argument between the boys. They were fighting over who had the red sucker...They both said that the red one was theirs...So Ty says, "Dad, if you went to Heaven right now and asked Jesus, He would tell you that the red one is mine....I'm NOT lying!!!!!" I thought it was such a precious thing to say. He is realizing that Jesus sees everything!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Alex's birthday week

Yesterday was Alex's actual birthday but we had about three different parties for him. The first was at Bounce with some friends who couldn't make the big party. We played and had cupcakes--had a GREAT time! Then we had the big party this past weekend and a small little one with just us on his actual birthday! So Alex may think that his birthday is really a week long?!?!!?! Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, May 07, 2007

My birthday boy

I can't believe my baby is three!!!!!! Today is Alex's birthday...we have had a couple different parties for him this past week. I will be posting more pictures later. Right now I just want to say how much I love this boy...he makes my days so bright and happy. He loves to laugh and make people laugh. He has started to say often that Jesus made him. I usually make some comment to Terry about how cute it is that he talks about that. Yesterday we were on our way to Target to spend some birthday money and he says..."Jesus made us"...I didn't say anything, so he says, "I love it when I say that." I laughed soooo hard. Anyway, I am thankful for Alex and his love for all of us. He is such a sweetheart. I look forward to sooo many wonderful days ahead! Here is a pic of Alex--one week old---and then now! My what a difference! =)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I had to take a couple pictures of the boys in their new beach outfits. I bought these last year when they were on sale. We are heading to VA to spend some time with my brothers (and their families) and enjoy the beach. I think they will be ready--don't you? I thought maybe they could model children's clothes?!?!? =) Anyway, I thought they were cute--but I always do!


Remember the post about our neighbors that did the big Easter egg hunt for the boys? Well, they have blessed us again. They have given us an enormous playset. The boys are so excited to be able to play on this. It is not set up yet in our yard. The pictures are from our neighbors yard. So, if anyone wants somewhere to play this summer, come on over! =)

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