Jordan Family

My Photo
Location: Colorado, United States

Terry and I met in November of 2000. We were married November of 2001. We had Ty November of 2002 and Alex in May of 2004. How is that for moving fast?!?! The boys are the love of our lives along with family and friends but ultimately God! We love God and are striving to please Him. We are actively involved in our church here in town--Life Church of Fort Collins. We love it. Come visit sometime!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween Party

The boys and I went to a Halloween party this morning! They had a lot of fun playing games, eating yummy food, and winning prizes. Ty thinks his costume is a Buzz Lightyear motorcycle guy! He wanted to ride motorcycles and be a super hero! Alex just likes being Tigger! Although he did say he was a tiger not Tigger...they had fun!


Well, we have finally finished our landscaping at the house!!!! It has taken us almost a year but it feels so good to have it done and to have accomplished this on our own! The boys LOVE the sandbox...and you would be amazed how fun it is to play in the sand even as an adult!=) Here are pictures of the house...finally done!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Colorado blizzard

So did you all hear about the Colorado blizzard??? I kept seeing all these things on msn about Colorado being dumped on....well we got a whole 2 inches of snow. A couple days later, here the boys are playing outside in just sweatshirts and throwing snowballs at me!!! So much for a blizzard. This was the second snow so far already and it is supposed to snow more this weekend. We will see if that happens. Any of you want to come ski or snowboard let us know! Enjoy a couple of pictures of the boys in the snow... the last picture is Ty whining that it is too bright outside! =)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

At the park

The boys absolutely love to go to the park in our neighborhood. They are both getting quite good at climbing the rock wall and doing the things the big kids do. Alex has to keep up with Ty too, so there is not much that Alex won't try after he sees Ty do it! They love to be outside. We are a little sad that winter is coming...

More pictures

Here are a couple more pictures of the pumpkin patch....

The pumpkin patch

The boys and I had a great time at the pumpkin patch this past weekend. It was a little cold but they had so much fun! Ty and I got to go on a hay ride. Alex was not too sure about that, so he stayed back with Daddy. But they did get some nice pumpkins and had a great time playing on the hay!

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