Jordan Family

My Photo
Location: Colorado, United States

Terry and I met in November of 2000. We were married November of 2001. We had Ty November of 2002 and Alex in May of 2004. How is that for moving fast?!?! The boys are the love of our lives along with family and friends but ultimately God! We love God and are striving to please Him. We are actively involved in our church here in town--Life Church of Fort Collins. We love it. Come visit sometime!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

7 years

Well, today is the 7 year anniversary of my mother's passing. Although it has been 7 years, I don't think that this feeling will ever really go away. The feeling is the one where I just want one more day or hour to talk to her, see her face, and hug her. I find memories fading and I hate that. I long to ask her questions about life. Get advice from her on raising my boys and my relationship with my husband. No one else can really fill that need for a daughter. I think part of the reason I am even blogging this today is to tell everyone out there whose parents are living to make the very best of it. Mend differences between you and your parents if there are any. Say you are sorry for things before it is too late. Don't hold on to silly grievances. Take as many pictures as you can of those you love. Make memories with them. Make every day count and tell those around you how much they mean to you. My mom meant the world to me. I remember going through times of not getting along when I was a teenager. But she was my best friend. She is in a better place today and I wonder sometimes what she is doing--who she is talking to today---maybe Mary, John, or Paul. That is such a neat thought. I know she is without pain and happy. But I still miss her and love her soooo much. So today I will think of my mom with a smile on my face but a longing in my heart to be with her. Thank you, mom, for being such a wonderful example to me. I only hope that I can be as much of an influence in my boys life as you were in mine.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Funny things kids say

I just had to post this. We always say "bless you" when someone in our house sneezes--just out of habit. Well, today Ty sneezed and I didn't say anything. So he says, "Mom, I just bless you'd." I thought it was sooo funny. Don't kids say the funniest things?!?!?!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Today the boys and I went to a place called Bounce--a place where they have a bunch of jumping castles, slides, was a lot of fun. They are getting so brave and want to try so many new things. It is fun to watch. The best part about this place is that parents can go too! =) That means fun for me! Anyway, they had a great time.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hide and Seek

I just had to post this picture...we were playing hide and seek. I came into Alex's room and saw this.

He really thought he was hiding I ran to get my camera. You know if you can't see someone's face, they can't see you, right? Anyway, too cute to pass up the picture...

Oh to be a kid again. Everything is so simple. Thanks Alex for always making me laugh! =)

Monday, January 08, 2007

Hockey time

On Friday night, we were able to go to an Eagles hockey game. Our friends gave us tickets. The boys were soooo excited. When we got there, daddy bought them a hockey puck. They were supposed to try to throw them in a bucket on the ice and win some money. The boys wanted to keep them though. Right before we went in to our seats, we saw a lady doing face painting. So the boys got to have eagles painted on their faces. They thought that was the greatest thing. They held up pretty well considering Ty spilled water on his face and smeared his. He also kept trying to touch it---he would say, "Is this the face it is on?" while pointing to one of his cheeks. Anyway, it was a good time. Oh and the guy dressed up in the eagle costume threw t-shirts out. We caught one---or should I say tackled a 7 year old boy who came up three rows to try to get ours. Well, I didn't really tackle him....enjoy the pictures!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Wow, I can't believe another year has gone by. So much to look back on and laugh, cry, learn, and grow. Our babies have grown into boys this year, learning so much every day. I love to see them try new things, play together, use their imaginations, love each other and us, make new friends, and talk about God. Ty tells me often that he wants to go to Heaven. The other day, we were talking about Heaven. Ty told me that there were no toys in Heaven. When I asked him how he knew that he said, "Because Jesus gave them all to us...when I go to Heaven I will bring Him some toys to play with." I thought that was so precious. He is such a giving boy. He teaches me things every day. Alex has become very good at praying. He loves to thank Jesus for every thing he is looking at. Sometimes the prayers continue for quite a long time.... "thanks for my milk, thanks for my movie, thanks for the walls....etc..." =) Again, he teaches me things that I know only a child can teach! Well, I guess I am posting this blog mainly to share some goals with all of you. I want to keep myself accountable. My main goal this year is to be in the Bible every day--even if it is just reading to my boys. Another goal is to exercise at least 3 times a week. A goal that is rather hard when there is 3 feet of snow outside... Anyway, another goal is to use my time the way God wants me to. I have a tendancy to want to get my "to do" list finished. I think God's list for me is sometimes a little different. One last one is to tell people how much they mean to me. I have been blessed with so many wonderful friends. I love you all dearly. Thank you for being there for me through the many hard times. How would I have made it through losing my parents without so many of you. Thank you for your love for me and your prayers. My family---I have the best brothers a girl could have. They are awesome--and they have all married such incredible women who have become more than my sisters in law---they are my friends. My nieces and nephews are the best. I also have the best mother-in-law and father-in-law. They have treated me like their own daughter. And last but not least, all my men. Terry, Ty, and Alex, I love you more than I could ever explain. Thank you for making my life better. I love you all!!!


I was getting Alex ready for bed the other night and as I took off his shirt it got stuck on his head. I laughed and told him he looked cute. Of course he wanted to see himself in the I showed him. He looked in the mirror, laughed and said, "I look like Santa!" I thought it was too cute... I also had to post this picture of Alex napping with his sword next to him. You never know when you might need a sword! lol

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